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Petitto Mine Equipment
Petitto Mule
The Petitto Mule was developed in 1978 as a longwall shield retriever for the mining industry.
It is primarily used as a swing and extending boom vehicle for the extraction of shields (roof supports) on longwall moves.
It is the industry standard for pulling long wall shields.
It is also used for general disassembly and reassembly of heavy components underground.
The Petitto Mule is available in several models that can handle shields in the 16 ton / 35 ton / 50 ton / 70 ton capacity ranges.

Mule Family
All Models

Model 2770
70 Ton Mule

Model 1550
35 Ton click to zoom

Model 1550
pulling shields underground click to zoom

Model 2060
model 2060 lifting a model 1039 click to zoom

Model 2555
50 Ton click to zoom
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